Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Windows Vista is taking 10 minutes to start up! Suggestions anyone?
My wife opted for Vista and she is contained by the same boat. I hold no idea if within is anything to do about it. I am still trying to convince her to agree to me put XP pro on her laptop.
return the computer and buy a mac!
if it's like that, later DEFINITELY go bak 2 xp
remove everything from startup objects!! after it shud workfine
i have used vista. the piece that has changed is the looks. try buy a macbook. i loathed windows ever since vista come.
There are two primary problems with your computer.
1) You downgraded to Vista. Vista is the biggest crock since Windows Millennium Edition, and the worst resource-hogging creation ever made. Go pay for to XP and you'll never regret it.
2) You're running an Intel chipset. AMD all the process. Clock speeds can't truly be trusted because there's so much more than just your processor's clock speed when it comes to operation. I run a 1.8ghz AMD Duron, and I outperform 3.4ghz Pentium 4's regularly in gaming as very well as 3D rendering. With less RAM and a poorer video card, I might affix. Reason is that AMD's architecture is so much more solid. Intel can crank its clock speed up as high as it like. It doesn't mean anything at adjectives.
You know that Windows Vista is horrible, but you got it anyway. I am HIGHLY RECOMMENDING you to carry a PC with Windows XP subsequent time.
Windows Vista confirmation code error?
If you lately bought it from an Authorised HP store then its advisable for you to steal it to them to get the activation done.
Also if it is an unproved system,check under the Notebook,near will usually be a holographic or a not so holographic sticker with the activation code.
If you assuage none of the above technicalities :P,you'r better off buying a tentative copy of the OS or resort to other means.
Sounds similar to you might have be ripped off next to a pirate copy without a license.
Try to get going it.
you should have read the instruction manual first before installing the program
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Windows Vista & paraphernalia?
If the printer/scanner is one that you've had for a while, I'd first check the manufacturer's website to trademark sure that they have a Vista-compatible driver. Other than that, if you'll be tally a brand new printer to your system, adjectives new printers on the open market support Vista.
I haven't used Vista yet myself so I can't read out whether to avoid it all together or not but, I haven't hear any huge complaints about it all the same. As for changing the OS from Vista to XP, you would hold to do a complete reformat and install of XP.
The answers post by the user, for information only, RunQA.com does not guarantee the right.
Windows delayed write former?
my notebook uses 1gb ddr2 ram, intelcore duo2 1.6ghz, 120gb hdd and 128 ati(dont know wot model graphics chip) freshly says ati raideon.
Known issue.
Have a look at http://support.microsoft.com/kb/330174...
The answers post by the user, for information solitary, RunQA.com does not guarantee the right.
Windows Aero?
Click minimize. Poof, it's gone! :)
the answer for you is simple and straight, yes AERO is semi transparent, and thats the method it is made and loved .... so unless you modify it or wait for another source to come up next to aero theme near your custom preferences there is no road of having that ...
in attendance cant be a better and simple answer further ...if possible skulk for somebody to modify the Aero theme surrounded by the internet. Everything is possible at World wide network, good luck contained by finding one, it may take sum time since its solely been some time since vista get released, if you want ur dream come true, why not wait ... pious luck again.
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Windows - Wrong Volume . Check this message . what to do ?
See this please :
Windows - Wrong Volume
The wrong volume surrounded by the drive. Please insert volume WRE54G into drive D:.
What to do ? please help
unmistakably there are more installation disks (disk1, disk2, disk3 ...) next just one ... and you inevitability to put 2-nd, 3-rd or so into your drive...
can u specify what were u trying to do when u saw this message?
Will this Laptop Run World of Warcraft?
Budget = 1600 or less.
Wud that be capable of run it smoothly, i mean it have a good graphics card and its prompt.. (internet speed= no problem)
and dont worry i want a 17 one, dont rele plan 2 get it around!
Thanx for any help!
Im prettysure it would, look at the minimum specs here:
adn trademark sure that computer your buying meets it. if it doesn't, stir for a Dell. they're better.
it will run it. You may want to put in another 2gig of memory. The more memory the better response on the team game.
It looks like it will work a moment ago fine. hard drive speeds are a bit slow but more after enough for gaming.
Yes it will. That's plenty powerful. I own a laptop with a 1.6 GHz duo core, 1 mb RAM, and a 256MB graphics card, and it runs fine. So what you are getting is MORE than plenty to run WOW.
According to the specs it should be capable of playing I don't know if WOWC is capatiable next to Vista through but by now it should be
it is powerful laptop indeed
he MUST run wow
This is a liitle difficult for me. but i will pass you some links, may be there are something can minister to you.
Looks good to me:)
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Will this spectator sport work on my laptop?
select the desired hobby from the drop down list and run the tool...
I would be more concerned something like your video card compatibility. Most laptop video cards are scaled hindmost versions w/o adjectives of the 3D support that desktop video cards enjoy. Make sure i.e. the case.
Remember this as powerfully, you can never have too much memory. If the laptop starts to bog down, throw more memory at it.
It should work in need any problems, but you can't be too careful. You can never enjoy too much RAM, so getting more would be a good thought. Vista is also known for not mortal the fastest, so you might have to treaty with it person slow. You should also be worried about your video card, produce sure it can handle what you're trying to download.
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Will in attendance be comparatively closely of performing difference between a laptop near 2 GB system memory and 1 GB memory?
fairly a lot is hard to set down - as it also depends on the speed of the computer plus your hard drive size ... but surrounded by general, if you close to having 4 or more apps accessible at once, yes, big difference ... if you want to play games, yes big difference ... as long as the price difference is not more than $150, you should get the highly developed RAM version ... save you the trouble of buying and installing the RAM though you can verify your particular RAM newspaper and normal' pricing at dealram.com - see which way to be in motion is cheaper though laptop ram may or may not be unforced to add depending on the electrical device.
If you game, or run multiple programs, say-so upwards of 4 you will see a huge difference.
It depends what OS they run and what YOU do with it.
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Yes, here is a difference. A new 1GB stick of memory go for about $125.
Well, freshly by saying that both your machines run Windows Vista, you'd really necessitate the RAM. In my opinion, Vista pretty much runs close to a wild pig. It doesn't bring back along with other things as very well as it's own, and it LOVES to gobble up things. In Vista's case, it's severely incompatible with other OS's and it LOVES to gobble up your RAM.
Good luck!
Most of the time 1GB is plenty-however subsequent year it might not be enough. I would seize the one with 2GB push as every year more ram is needed as programs win bigger and bigger.
Will here be a restructure of the Macbook Pro?
Hi Sarah,
Your right the Macbook Pro's where on earth just updated to 2.2 and 2.4 Ghz and they are 64-bit adept. The WWDC just go by which is where products could be announced and no different updates regarding the computers be released. Concerning Leopard, from what the reviews on the web show so far it will run smoothly on the untried Macbook Pro. Also remember that the new MBP own Led displays for the 15-inch edition and normal LCD beside option of have a High-Def display for the 17-inch. If you really want to purchase it I would definitely stir for it. I personally did purchase the hot 2.2Ghz 15-inch Glossy MBP.
Hope this helps ;)
why rate the upgrade fee for Leopard - hang around til its included in your appliance
Will the Sims 2 work on on my laptop properly?
It have:
Intel Celeron M Processor 420
1.66GHz, 533MHz FSB, 1MB Cache
Genuine Windows Vista Home Basic
1024MB RAM
80GB Hard Drive
DVD ReWriter MultiDrive
15.4 Brightview Widescreen Display
256MB ATI X200 Graphics
Wireless Enabled
2.6kg Weight
It should it sounds a lot resembling my computer! I run Sims 2 all the time on it...it a moment ago gets slow after you nouns like 2 expansion pack on!
yeah no worry it will work fine
It should work merely fine, but if it decides to crash, don't carry TOO mad.
I dunno exactly...I've have my laptop for a few months and I'm still a bit nervous to intrduce it to Sims. Honesty, I conjecture the game itself would be OK, but once you start adding together on expansion packs and downloading custom content, it could start to clog up your laptop. Have you hear about that strange game, Sims lifestories? It can't compare to the majority Sims 2 but it was designed to be drastically laptop friendly. Good luck!
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Will the Sempron 3300+ / 2.0 GHz Processor (Mobile) work near ny lenovo notebook?
You didn't present quite ample info to say whether it will work beside your laptop. If your laptop is relatively new, and it is an AMD laptop, conceivably. If it is an Intel laptop, then categorically not. If it is an AMD laptop go to the AMD site to see whether this CPU is pin compatable next to your current AMD processor
The answers post by the user, for information only, RunQA.com does not guarantee the right.
Will online games work at DELL Inspiron 5100?
XD will it?
Processor and RAM seem to be low. You can play some low cease games but higher closing will run very choppy on it.
Carbonfrost Systems: Free Email Support To All
yes it will
What's online team game will you run it ?
depends on what game you are playing. Most games will hold minimum requirements on the back of the box or surrounded by the intruction maual. Just make sure you hold the bare minimums and you should be fine.
thats a moral computer
it should run better than the low end games
your specs are pretty accurate
yes it will play most online games
Will my panasonic toughbook cf-27 reconize my external intricate drive?
Raquel, not much you can do, this is how I would typically do it, take the thorny drive out, use a converter for it to work on a normal IDE cable, install Windows 95/98 on it, while you at it, copy adjectives drivers for the CF27 onto this drive too, put the HDD back into the CF27, it should boot up, if its 95/98, it will auto adjust the OS to the laptop, presently install all the drivers and you should hold a working system.
You cant do it with 2000 or XP, as the HAL wont allow it, but near above method, you can move to 2000/XP easier also.
The answers post by the user, for information only, RunQA.com does not guarantee the right.
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Will my laptop support 4 gb ddr hit?
2 gig max
page 8 of the pdf.
also the guide says it's an amd, so, it's any you gave the wrong model number, or are confused as to what cpu you enjoy.
If your ram is from one and the same manufacturer, and you hold enough slots, here is no reason why it wouldn't.
contact HP
if its equal type of sticks you have contained by there, yes, a short time ago use bigger (not physical size, capacity) sticks.
Nope you cannot, If this is your Laptop Pavillion dv5000 CTO Then no maximum capacity is 2GB.
And most of the laptops (as far as I can know can individual handle 2GB)
Hope it help
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Will my laptop play HD DVD or Blu-ray discs?
im sure they wouldnt provide you an HD screen in need something to run HD images next to. you could always walk to your dvd drives manufacturers website and see, or a short time ago google it. but as for blue ray, potential not. blue-ray is a different type of technology. you will need a different player to play HD and blueray.. theyre coming out near dvd players that can do both at about 1000+ dollars.. but not dvd drives all the same.
I custom build laptops and i am including blue ray drives surrounded by it.
If you want the drive, then i am sorry, because i one and only sell them surrounded by the laptop.
Will more RAM relieve my Laptops mobile natural life?
Check how much RAM you use with the enactment monitor (Alt-Control-Canc).
If you regularly use near 500 Mb of RAM consequently it is likely that you also use the Hard Disk as it be RAM (Virtual Memory). In this case more RAM would prevent your PC from using Virtual Memory and, as a consequence, you should accumulate battery natural life and also have better narration.
Otherwise, you should have no significant effect on battery-operated life and on recital. The more power requester to run the RAM is negligible.
no if anything it will brand name it worse it will use more power to use the RAM but it will make ur laptop efficient depending on how much u out in
No. RAM does not affect your freestyle life.
More RAM however does allow a faster computer speed.
No, RAM will merely increase your speed and allow you to do more multitasking. It has nil to do with the freestyle.
Extensive use of the DVD drive will suck up the power.
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No, more knock against uses more battery. Your problem is because of your processor. Pentium 4s within laptops are huge power suckers, thats why they were phased out by celerons.
Will it damage my MacBook Pro if I get it arround switched on?
no purely becareful not to run your battery down...
No. Just resembling your run of the mill notebook, you won't hurt it by moving it around while it's turned on.
No, just don't drop it!
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Will i know how to see my Xbox 360 on my laptop eyeshade?
Microsoft Xbox 360 S-Video AV Cable to hook from my Xbox 360 into my laptop and play on my laptop peak. I'm just wondering if this will work. Any assistance is appreciated.
This isn't going to work unless your notebook allows video in. Most don't do this as a standard. Now, that's not to articulate that it can't be done. You will just entail to get a video seizure PC card or USB 2.0 video capture.
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Will Doom3 run ably next to these system specs??
Yes it should because the requirements are:
1.5 GHz CPU or better, 384 MB RAM, 64 MB video card, 2.2 GB drive space, 8× CD-ROM drive.
Probably will.
depends on teh GFX card mind. As long as its an ATI radeon or a Nvid it shoudl be ok.
Try downloading the demo to examination.
Will an IBM T41 laptop run bad the ac adaptor alone?
It should, my T60 does
Why not just put the freestyle in?
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Will an American laptop mobile work on a Japanese laptop if they own like model numbers?
If it's the same model number laptop, there's no justification it shoudn't work, there is nil about a battery-operated that is exclusive to any one country, they're adjectives the same. You can well contact Sony Help and Support by phone or e-mail to be sure. By the way, the previous answers is a scam, they of late want you to look at their website, ignore them, there's no free laptops.
My suggestion would be to contact a company resembling Battery Zone and ask their customer support person.
BatteryZONE Inc. (Central)
P.O. Box 292
Baileys Harbor, WI 54202
800.824.0558 (Toll-Free)
920.839.9705 (Local Voice)
920.839.9155 (Fax)
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Will a wireless card to put contained by my laptop, along near my internal wireless card, will it bequeath better reception?
you will not be capable of use them both at the same time , it will be any the built in or the card but the laptop card wireless will normally bestow you a better signal than the built in wireless
No. It's one or the other. Not both.
No your computer simply uses one but you can buy a better one with better reception.
You can buy an external antena or a Range Booster for better reception.
Or upgrade our Wireless Router to a N Series one from LinkSys
At my work, we adjectives have laptops equipped beside wireless. but if we're going somewhere a bit remote for work (or isn't likely to hold wifi or good broadband), we enjoy wireless cars which supposedly should get you a signal even on deserted island.
So from my kind, wireless cards can get you a better signal. A coworker suggested I use one when I work from my shore house and I could later sit on the boardwalk or on my deck or wherever.
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Yes, there are masses PCMCIA (external wireless ) cards available with different speed.There is a 11b(11mb), 54G (54 MB) 54MB mimo ( wider breadth ) 108 mb and there is a up to date ones coming out called Ns, Check to see what speed card u enjoy in ur laptop, if u enjoy a 11mb card , then installing a 54g Mimo card will trade name it much much faster. so it all depends what card u enjoy, if its 54G already, then it wont give a hand much, also make sure what speed router u enjoy.
Good Luck
Will a 15 laptop sleeve fit a 15.4 laptop?
No you call for to go up to 16 sleeve. the 15.4 is if truth be told measured from inside corner of the screen to the other inside corner.so at hand will be extra area to cover.
why don't you try first.. as my experience.. im using 15 laptop too..my sleeve 15.4.. and it's fit though.. but if you still doubt.. 16 is better too..
capably 15 tends to be be square im asuming your laptop is widescreen close to mine so no it won't really fit
Will 4200rpm sata strong disk of 120gb slow down the laptop?
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If the current drive is faster, yes it will.
If you are buying a new one, procure at least a 5400rpm. A 7200rpm is even better, but comes at a small cost.
yes it will slow it down, even when you start your laptop it will bring forever, i suggest you get a faster one.
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Wifi? How do i gain it and whats the difference between that and wireless?
wifi is a posh track of saying wireless. Its only to annoy us and make us buy more useless crap we dont necessitate from PC world.
So Wifi = wireless. simple
WiFi is a standard within the an assortment of wireless standards. Think of it as wireless Ethernet.
None. Just commercial terminology.
I feel the term wireless channel whichever communications tools you have that require no cable; example a cordless telephone is call wireless. The term Wifi largely referred to the connection between two computer parts; specifically used for connecting LAN: local nouns network.
If you own a computer with wifi experience and you've signed up for an internet provider wifi system, once you see a hotspot, you can tap within you computer and browse into the internet without have to plug in. That is mostly the used of the occupancy wifi nowaday. Go to Starbuck and play this RunQA.com .
Wi-Fi is short for Wireless Fidelity.
therefore wi-fi = wireless
You entail a router, lan card or wireless adapter; or pc laptop next to wi fi built in. Set up your router and wi fi contraptions, configure your net and bob's your uncle. I didn't know there be a difference between wi fi and wireless..
wifi = wireless
Wich laptop would be better? Again?
www.alienware.com and www.dell.com
They are both decent for their specs. The dell within my opinion is bit better because its running bad the intel core 2 duo which runs a lot cooler and hence is better for laptops.
Although you are getting ripped past its sell-by date here price wise. We are launching our laptops within couple of weeks, and our computers are actually better than those specs for the computers you scheduled above and is cheaper which our parts are also better. Just a little info for you.
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Post DIRECT links.
Well if you're rich similar to full of cash, after I would choose XPS M1710 because overall it's much better than Alienware. However, if you're like a mediocore gamer not similar to pro, then I would choose Alienware Aurora. It adjectives depends on your interest.
The XPS is a nice computer and has plentifully of nice features. I hope that helps.
Wich laptop should i buy?
yes!!! they are great computers! probably the individuals who answer that they are crappy computers are Window's fans and dispise Apple. Go to an Apple Store and tryout one out.
#1 Don't go to Mexico the bathrooms smell horrible
#2 MacBooks are extremely pious. Get a Mac!
Definitely go near a Toshiba. They are built well. I've have one for a year now, and hold had few problems beside it. The support is good, and the compact disc that comes with it is excellent.
Remember: TOSHIBA
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Why would someone want to know the product number on the underside of my laptop?
unless this soul is someone you called for lend a hand with your computer utter the manufacturer or a laptop repair man then dont supply that info out.
is the persons desires the windows activate key later they want to activate their window using your product number
so they could use your windows Cd KEY.
you want that key to install window
They want to buy one like it.
Why would my powercord for my Gateway MX3228 notebook STOP working and no other replacements work?
probably been detached on the mobo, the power contained by jack is a VERY common show disapproval that occucrs on laptops as it gets pressure against it adjectives the time if you are not carefull with it on your lap(with your knees) or lay in bed(duvet pushing against it) general public tripping / snagging on the cord. After time it can cause the solder cohesive to become weak . the trouble is to repair it usually mechanism taking EVERTHING out of the case to bring to it which can prove expensive in occupation charges.
well can you turn on the computer at adjectives?? is it jsut that its not charging?? important question. depending on the answer to those it could be a bad battery-operated or powersupply. battery is slickly replaced but if you power supply is busted then basically buy a new laptop.
If the power cords don't work, I would utter look at the power supply or the power jack might be faulty or not seated right on the mother board. Take it to your nearest laptop shop & have them run a diagnostic hardware theory test.
The problem is your charging socket in your laptop.Get it checked.
Why would a nouns driver work and consequently backfire inside minutes?
You should install a newer version first (after remembring to uninstall the one you are using now). Go to realtek's website and download the up-to-the-minute AC'97 driver.
The answers post by the user, for information only, RunQA.com does not guarantee the right.
Why wont my notebook sanction blank discs or music Cd's but it plays DVDs and CD-Roms next to glibness?
I'm assuming you are trying to burn a DVD or compact disc disk. First check the following:
click on My Computer
If you have a CDRW or DVDRW later you should be able to burn both DVD or compact disc.
If so, check to make sure that the software application is working suitably or that it burns DVD. A good software to use is DVIX as this is the best route to burn any type of blank CD and DVD.
I use two applications:
1) Cakewalk - honest for Music CD and coverts of late about any audio files to MP3 files.
2) DVIX - To be used merely to burn DVD. (Remember you first must convert downloaded video files into MPEG. DVIX will do that automatically before it burns your video profile into your blank DVD disk.
Good Luck!
The answers post by the user, for information only, RunQA.com does not guarantee the right.
Why won't my laptop charge properly? Is it the power cord?
It'll be probably the metal contacts that connects the freestyle to the power channel of the laptop. Try to verbs those pins with a regular eraser or any of the hundreds of circuit system cleaners sprays that exists. After that also, force the pins to dance out a little bit next to a thin screw driver so that they apply more pressure within the compartment
Hope it helps.
The answers post by the user, for information just, RunQA.com does not guarantee the right.
Why won't my HP pavilion zv5000 file book charge?
The problem is almost manifestly, or at least most promising a loose connection on the board inside the laptop. The port that you plug your power cord into is loose. It would obligation to be re-soldered onto the motherboard. If you are brave and can tale a laptop almost completely apart and do it, it may be a well-mannered idea. I'm not sure how much it would cost, but it's a long and somewhat difficult process, because laptops are so easily offended, so it might cost a bit.
I took apart a Compaq laptop for a friend who had equal problem. I found the loose connection, but I did not enjoy a soldering gun to fix it.
The answers post by the user, for information only, RunQA.com does not guarantee the right.
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Why won't my Dell Inspiron 6000 get up up after gap?
I've hear this is a common problem, but as expected Tech Support got me nowhere at adjectives. Any ideas?
you call for to adjust the power schemes
control panel
blind saver tab
power button
power button actions
The answers post by the user, for information singular, RunQA.com does not guarantee the right.
Why won't my COMPUTER connect to the Internet? ( Laptop )?
You mentioned a radio - are you discussion about the wireless nouns? If so press CTRL and F2 at the same time to turn on wifi.
in attendance is normally a switch on the side of your laptop to connect. Switch it. Then the framework should appear on your source list. (a messege will come up if it finds your web.) Then click connect, and if its encrypted, enter your passphrase. If you ever need more give a hand, let me know.
Why isn't my nouns working?
Is nearby a site I can download a different driver - that's /free/ - if I need to?
There are plentiful sites where you can update your drivers from.
It might hold helped if you'd detailed your laptop brand and configuration, don't you deliberate?
The answers post by the user, for information only, RunQA.com does not guarantee the right.
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Why isn't my computer's modem or nouns working?
Two things to check on
1. In the Control Panel click on the Phone and Modem Options (classic view) click on the modem tab and see if a modem is planned. If not click on the add button and a wizard will try and tag on the modem back. If it is nominated click remove and then re-add the modem. After it is installed close the box. Now Reopen the phone and modem option click on the modems tab and double click on your modem. Your modem's properties box should open click on the diagnositics tab and click on the Query modem button- After a short hang around you should see the results displayed. Scroll down and see if one of the results (ATI2) shows success. If it does later your modem is probably OK.
Go to the device manager and see if the modem is very soon listed. it should be if the above assessment was successful.
2. Now delete the ancient dial-in shortcut and create a new one.
This will fix most dial-in modem problems.
Modem? As within dial-up? Wow, do you really find that adequate for today's high-bandwidth network? I periodically romanticize going back to dial-up, but the romance is summarily shattered as soon as I remember the grueling pain.
To answer your examine, your easiest solution is to backup your data and install Linux. If you'd a bit stay with Microsoft for doesn`t matter what reason, rear up your data and reinstall Windows. You should never trust the manufacturer's non-attendance install anyway.
Why is my notebook so slow??? .. please read details?
1GB min RAM for Vista, 2GB is great. 512MB isn't perfect. I've seen laptops beside 512MB and they bite.
Well do you have alot of software and alot downloaded mete out that is a most likey motivation or a virus.
Most of the time computers that come from a Large Provider (Sony, Dell, Gateway, etc.) come preloaded with lots of software. They do this because it keep the overall cost of the laptop/pc down because the software companies will pay royalties to the Vendor. This software is constantly running when you turn your computer on. The best item you can do without doing a full reformat (deleting adjectives information on the hard drive and putting window back on) is budge into the control panel and uninstall any software you dont use or have never used. Make sure you look into the internet for information about software you are not sure more or less. Search the RunQA.com for information about software that may make happen issues if removed or removed improperly.
Also check out that no bugs enjoy your systems. Download a good Anti-virus (I recommend Dr. Web Cure It a free virus scanner independent of your regular Anti-Virus) and some spyware scanners (Ad-Aware & Spybot). You will have need of to update them and then you can consent to them scan all at equal time if you want. I would recommend overnight because they will tie your system up for a while.
Good Luck!
Why is my laptop shut sour when im within a team game?
Your probably using a third party program, which runs next to Warcraft lll. If not, then try using Warcraft contained by Windows mode.
Here's how to do that:
1. Create a shortcut on your desktop of Warcraft (which you probably have).
2. Right click the shortcut, and click properties.
3. In the properties pop-up, you should see a tab that says Shortcut. Click that tab.
4. In the branch Target , you should see something like this: C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\Download Files\Warcraft III\Frozen Throne.exe
5. After the .exe put one space and type -window. and click ok. That's adjectives!
Note- it should look like this: C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\Download Files\Warcraft III\Frozen Throne.exe -window
It could be one of two things, one is your laptop is over heat, if that's the case you stipulation to clean out the vent to get adjectives the dust out.
Thing two, you may not meet adjectives the requirements that the game call for, look and the requirements and then compare them beside your computer specs.
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Why is my laptop blind dim?
ive tried switching the cable from the eyeshade to the laptop and using the Fn up and down arrow controls, but nothing seem to work.
and i have my power cord pluged contained by
try the settings in control panel?
not ample power i guess.. not sure tho.
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Why is my laptop computer eyeshade bright white wether it is on or sour?
Have you pulled the battery out and unplugged it? Is it similar to it is lit up at all times?
No, you haven't lost any of your files on your rugged drive.
If your notebook has a VGA out and functions buttons on the grand piano, you may be able to hook up an external monitor to look into these issues further.
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Why is my laptop other shutting down on my while I am still currently using it?
I know exactly what it is my bro n law have the same problem it is indeed overheating if you look on the bottom or side at hand is a fan usually the bottom and if it's flesh against a surface it can't get hold of air so it reach a certain tempurature forcing your computer to turn stale before it burns up you will most expected need to achieve a stand for it to elevate it off the surface especailly mat.
You might need a unmarked charger, or something... call the geek squad!!!
Depending on the motherboard, it could be a inaccurate capacitor on the motherboard.
There were predominant problems with imperfect capacitors on motherboards from many top computer brands. One of the primary symptoms is Erratic or unexpected shutdown.
See below for more info.
It sounds approaching it may be over heating. Is your internal hanger-on working?
Why is my Dell Laptop 10/100 Ethernet driver stopped?!!?
Here is a relation of specs:
I am sure that the D Series needs any an Intel Pro/100 VE Network driver and some came near the Broadcom B57 or B44. Also, if the laptop is NOT plugged into an AC charger, the default setting is to keep hold of the onboard Ethernet off.
Hope this help
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Why is my brand latest workstation so slow?
in that is a bunch of pre programmed crap like aol trial and such travel throught the files in My Computer and click C: and afterwards Program files and delete all the unnesscessary files
adjectives the programs that are trying to startup at once. Go into msconfig and remove all the unnessery files.
your probrobly a myspace user right
or you own people downloading songs and everything
basicly your computer curupted next to files that have virus
thus it starting up so slow
i suggest geek squad
or some computer geek you know to come do it for you
You can click start-----click run-----type msconfig------click startup tabs,next you can uncheck programes that dont need to run at startup.Then click ok to exist..And you also can run visit http://fix-slow-computer.info to download a speedup software.
Good luck!
Why is my AC adapter for my laptop beep?
I dont know how long it's been doing this exact I just presently noticed it when the bubble on my peak popped up for the low battery.
so I looked and it be plugged in but its not charging.
tried another outlet and it's still had it.
do you know whats going on?
You may have a problem next to the power adapter such as something inside. Usually stuff like this will automatically shut stale for safety reason, and will beep to permit you know something is wrong. Your adapter may have overheated or burned out. Unplug it and move out it unplugged for about 15 minutes and after plug it back surrounded by. This may fix the problem if it has overheated. I would contact the production it the problem continues.
broken or old computer
May be ur adapter is gone impossible.
Try removing your battery and use just the adaptor to power your laptop, if the beep disappear next the battery have the problem, if the adapter still beeps after removing the mobile, hardware problems is causing an over-loading of the adapter.
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Why is Mike F sending us that useless site for the the free laptop?
Careful with those links. They could plant some form of spyware on your system. If you enjoy been in attendance, you may want to scan your computer.
I have on the other hand to actually assemble any one that has received a free laptop or free any item else for that matter excluding a virus. Good luck.
The answers post by the user, for information only, RunQA.com does not guarantee the right.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Why is it that when I appropriate my laptop outside, I can't see the monitor?
Go to Start>Control Panel>Power remedy, from there, you can establish what you want your laptop to do when its on battery, thus bringing it outside. In those option, it'll give you choices to brighten or darken your monitor while on AC or on Battery.
Best of Luck!
I assume you connote the build in blind, and it's running on battery.
You necessitate to adjust teh power saving settings beneath the display properties (right click blanks area of desktop, properties) and increase eyeshade brightness when on battery, also variety sure no bright light sources shining on blind.
the sunlight
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Why have the nouns on my laptop stopped working?
I have also gone onto the control panel to check the nouns device and under the tab volume it say there No Audio Device and beneath the tab Hardware it says This device cannot start (Code 10)
I hold tried someone else answer by clicking on 'start' then 'run' consequently typing in services.msc and trying to restart the audio but this have not fixed the problem.
Please someone help, i resembling to hear stuff on my computer.
x x x
try restarting the computer and if that does not work do a system restore back to a date when you know the nouns was working. I have this same problem with my sons computer and the system restore fixed the problem
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Why don't I enjoy nouns contained by internet explorer on my HP Pavilion DV6000z laptop?
what you could do is reinstall the hardware's driver. findthe repossession manager made by hp, and select advanced option, and hit reinstall hardware drivers and find the audio one. reinstall it click ok and restart your computer and it should work again i've hap this problem with my 2 month old-fashioned laprop its brand new and made by hp. Its seriously easier if you have vista and type contained by the search stick recovery arranger and it gives it right to you, but if you use xp you should be capable of find it by typing it in the run program or look through your programs and find recouping manager.
The answers post by the user, for information with the sole purpose, RunQA.com does not guarantee the right.
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Why doesn't my laptop other turn to screensaver mode when usig a wireless mouse?
no you don't need to modify any settings, you just call for to check and see what your time out setting is on and then adjust to it.
First guess, smaller number then supreme driver/software included with your wireless mouse. That is if your mouse come with a specific driver or software.
Another possibility, though significantly unlikely, is your mouse's RF receiver is picking up freshly enough radio uproar to make it believe the mouse is active. Does your mouse behave fascinatingly at times? Stray cursor movement while the mouse is stationary? Phantom mouse clicks? If so, it could be radio noise.
Why doesn't my computer endorse my iPod Shuffle?
Install the software included with the Ipod and craft sure Itunes is installed on the laptop.
it that doesnt work call dell they hold tech support 24/7 just pray u dont capture someone you cant understand resembling i did today
Why doesn`t my laptop`s nouns system work?
Computer System;
Microsoft Windows XP
Home Edition
Version 2002
Service Pack 2
Manufactured and supported by;
Intel(R) Celeron(R) M
go into control pannel of ur workstation and there is an god that says Ali nouns setup, click on that and i think it shuld reinstall everything you requirement for sound
The answers post by the user, for information individual, RunQA.com does not guarantee the right.
Why does the touch wipe on my laptop one and only work near my body parts and not near a pen/pencil or heated spoon?
The touch wipe is sensitive to a lot of things. First of adjectives, it detects certain pressure points and detects body roast which is around 98 degrees. The pen or pencil will shorten the natural life of touch pad and it be not designed to detect it just resembling with PDA's. Software be designed to accept human touch and heat.
Best of Luck!
far too much time on your hands
it have small wires that pick up static from your hands
some pad use body heat
The touch wipe on a laptop works only when in that are multiple points touched at the same time, so that when your finger touches the wipe, you touch sevral of these closley spaced points, and move your finger to different ones. The pencil and heated spoon dont touch enough of these points to convey a signal to the devices driver, which it why they dont work. This is the same technology that touch screen use with a stylus, lone the touch screen individual needs one point to be touched.
My dogs paw works too!!!
Why does the guise key on my switch board not respond sometimes.It seem to evolve when I'm contained by yahoo post.
Try exiting and restarting your browser. Usually, problems beside HIDs can be fixed by restarting applications.
The answers post by the user, for information only, RunQA.com does not guarantee the right.
Why does the mobile buoyant on my Dell Inspiron 600m keep hold of flashing?
I have the same problem near my 510. It turned out to be the motherboard. You might want to have Dell come look at it. I enjoy a new motherboard and everything works fine in a minute!
The answers post by the user, for information only, RunQA.com does not guarantee the right.
Why does the 12 hour freestyle contained by my laptop with the sole purpose ultimate 2 hours?
The average laptop last 2 hours.
Because it's not possible to enjoy a 12 hour battery for a laptop. The battery used in laptops cannot hold that great of a charge.
Most I've ever see was a 4 hour laptop (I used to flog laptops at OfficeMax).
Maybe it's already old (and you entail to replace it) or you are running in maximum behaviour mode (screen at maximum brightness, volume at maximum level, etc.)
They probaly utter 12 hours in standby or something close to that. not 12hrs of continuous use
It depends on what exactly you are doing on your laptop. Some actions close to video editing drain more battery, than others.
Another article is to buy battery from a dependable source.
Overcharging... sucks, but it happen. Next time, don't overcharge your laptop, especially overnight. And if you've had the laptop for a long time, it's individual natural for the battery's ceremony to decrease over time. Order a current battery for your laptop, and transport more care next to charging it.
im not quite sure. mine does one and the same.
Answer: China brand Man!!!
because the battery can end for that much only.and also the MB is of the laptops used by you must be more to be precise why i think so
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Why does my VAIO display a small peak when I play games contained by full blind and contained by a resoloution of 800 X 600?
The desktop is normal though, it fill the whole eyeshade.
Your game is dropping the blind size to make it playable.
The answers post by the user, for information with the sole purpose, RunQA.com does not guarantee the right.
Why does my Sony Vaio report smaller number disk space consequently here is?
When Windows XP (MCE) boots, it shows that I have a drive C: and D: and both are 46.5GB
D: shows NO notes on it (not even hidden files) so what do I do to correct it??
right click on my computer and select organize. Go to the disk management node contained by the tree (under storage). and check that all your available disks and space are human being used.
Mine do'es it. I think its root system, adjectives the stuff that actually get the things booted up.
are you sure its not two hard drives totaling 100 see?
are you sure both drives are 100gb
maybe d: desires formated/ fdisked
Why does my laptop's mouse touchpad just actuate ther click on the 2nd touch, never on the first touch?
all right its the default configuration, but you can configure it to click on the 1st touch, a moment ago go to control panel afterwards open the mouse god, on the new windowpane under buttons put a dot on click on 1st touch
The answers post by the user, for information merely, RunQA.com does not guarantee the right.
Why does my laptop start surrounded by selective mode?
We need to look at a couple of things here. First, anytime you disable any start-up files, your computer will report that you are starting contained by selective mode. That is normal. There should be a box you can check flaw so that it won't report that anymore, even though you are in selective mode. Second, within are lots of reasons your computer may start and run slow. Things similar to corrupted programs, low resources, meaning CPU, Memory, etc, or too copious start-up programs, or too much junk or motionless entries in the registry. If you are unsure of how adjectives this fits together, especially the registry, I would suggest having an experienced user give a hand you. If you are comfortable with excising the demons surrounded by your computer, you can go to PC World or CNET and find lots of appropriate information on how to address a slow running computer.
when the selective mode window pops up... choose do not show this message again... You will still be using the mode. It only will not remind you all the time
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Why does my laptop shutdown automatically?
Whats wrong?
Try here for info
Couple Ideas for you. First off is your computer virus free. Many virus will try to restart your computer to keep from fixing them. Next I presume you are running your laptop on outlet not mobile when you are working on it? Finally, Have you tried booting from the O.S. install disc or try reinstalling in Safe Mode?
Hope these thoughts are adjectives to you. Good Luck.
Chech the manual. you may call for to install drivers before / while installing the OS. These should be on disk / cd that come with the laptop.
It may be a problem near your computer. Windows XP and later is set up to restart your computer when in that is an error instead of displaying the blue screen. Go to control panel, click classic prospect on the side, click system, go to the advanced tab, click start-up and rescue and untick the box that says automatically restart. Press okay and you're done. You might entail to click apply as well.
Then if you catch a blue screen write down what it say and do a search.
i installed a program and after i did this my computer kept adage it had recovered from a serious error. if you enjoy recently installed a up to date program uninstall it.
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Why does my laptop shut bad suddenly solely when internet is initiate?
You perchance have a virus specifically triggered when you connect to the Internet. I recommend that you scan your laptop with an anti-virus and anti-spyware to be past the worst.
The answers post by the user, for information only, RunQA.com does not guarantee the right.
Why does my laptop shut down when I download pics from my Sony cyber-shot next to the memory stick adapter?
I would check surrounded by with the software that you own that there is not a setting contained by it that says shut down window after copying (or something similar. I'm thinking there could be the hit and miss that there is something approaching that built in for when associates have life-size numbers of photos they're downloading from the memory stick.. and thus allows them to let it start and afterwards go away from the computer knowing it will shut down.. (If it is shutting down afterward that is)..
Or.. it could be some sort of electrical fault...which certainly wouldn't be fitting.
I don't have an answer really .. but thought that notion could be something that could help.
The answers post by the user, for information just, RunQA.com does not guarantee the right.
Why does my laptop overheat when sitting on an angle?
Check where on earth the fan is. If you put it at a angle or within your bed the heat vent is possibly blocked. This usually cause overheating. A safety works installed in tons note-pads is to automatically switch off when it overheats.
unflattering airflow, if there something obstruct the vents or fan? try clean the vent and fans as very well using compressed air.
blocking a vent, or impede airflow
Adding to the other two answers. What is your laptop resting on to keep it at that angle. More than imagined your blocking vents contained by the bottom that are needed for cooling.
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Why does my laptop not charge?
If your laptop's freestyle is not lasting as long as you get the impression it should the issue may be that the battery is malfunctioning or it may be another component of your laptop to be exact not charging the battery properly. Sometimes the power adapter pieces could become shabby and as such not charge the battery properly. Or that the internal electrics of your laptop could be damaged and not supplying the power to the freestyle properly to charge it.
Before a new mobile can be ordered PC Support Services would need to determine the exact effect of your short battery vivacity and take the appropriate steps to repair it.To enjoy your laptop (or battery) serviced properly!!
Number one thing is the freestyle could be bad. I would whip the battery out, and plug within the laptop, and then restart it. Try that first.
Sorry dude, that's not a configuration problem. Your charger or your battery-operated is toast. Sounds like probably the mobile, since the charger still works as a power cord.
You need a brand new battery.
your battery-operated is dead. return with a new one.
Its extraordinarily possible that your battery is totally exhausted , which routine that you need to attain a new battery-operated. This is the simplest think to do...
check out this site, they impart you a sony vaio laptop FOR FREE!! i got mine ending week and it's smokin'!
You probably have a impossible battery you will obligation to get a fresh one.
Why does my laptop go into hibernate mode in need preventive?
Yes, the laptop is trying to amass power when it senses you are idle. For most laptops and computers (all I feel but maybe not) you can renovation this:
1/ right click on your desktop and go to PROPERTIES
2/ click on SCREENSAVER tab
3/ click on POWER (monitor power settings)
4/ click on HIBERNATE tab
5/ disable hibernation
Hope this help. if you don't want it to hibernate so often, you can also try to play around next to settings to turn off you rmonitor and or rugged drive after a certain time interval or putting your laptop on standby.
Good luck!!
Is it running on battery power? Mine does that, too, when it is trying to amass the battery.
check your settings, its probly something to do beside battery consumption. I own my laptop set to never go into anything while plugged within, but when its not plugged in it hibernate after about 10 minutes.
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Why does my laptop seize a black blind when i try to boot up within risk-free mode or usual mode?
i didnt notice no restore points. i tried live cd's so i can access the information of a cd..(running a operating system off your cd to read your easier said than done drive operating system) but i wasn't successful either.
appreciation in advanced
the spinal column light could own burned out. try hooking it up to a regular monitor suing the vga out on the back of the laptop.
be it black also when running off the live cd?
does the peak show anything other than black at anytime?
Why does my knotty drive storage keep going up and down even if I don't download or install anything?
its probably a varible sized swap directory (virtual memory)
if you lock your swap file to a specific size..that problem will be in motion away..
I havent goofed with setting virtual memory surrounded by Vista recently.. but it should be here..
control panel (set to classic settings)/system/advanced tab/performance settings/advanced/virtual memory vary button)
as a general rule.. you want to set your virtual memory to 1.5x your physical knock against.. though if you have 2 gigs or more, you can set it to similar to 1500 mb and be in devout shape
It is probably your page file resizing.
Nothing to verbs about
It could be a million things. Don't forget, adjectives the programs, internet, etc, all log everything they do. You enjoy temp files, etc.
my guess would be drastic fluctuations in your swap directory.
windows uses a swap folder as kind of an extension of the memory. it loads current moving data into the swap wallet and keeps it in attendance at the ready. this profile will change size depending on what adjectives is running, and what all you are doing near the machine.
you said you dont enjoy virus on your computer...what do you call vista ;-)
It's nil to worry going on for. Normally computers will do that because some files will resize themselves or if the file is doing something, the storage will walk up and then dance down later. So no, you don't hold spyware or anything.
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Why does my computer speak No dial tone detected. ?
REinstall the modem drivers. You can procure them form the Support Section of Dell's website
You may have to reinstall the modem - run to add hardware, auto detect unknown hardware.
geek squad!
Why does it vote 512 mb on some memory sticks when thier dimensions is 497 sometimes even 475?
Memory sticks reserve some space to store system info. That's thoroughly normal.
Sometimes regular file system information can appropriate up a few meg of memory so you will never get the full 512 meg.
because you enjoy onboard graphics is my guess.
onboard graphics use system memory to function.
The same reason floppies own 2.0 MB unformatted and 1.44mb formatted. The formatting provided the instruction that the operating system needs to read and use the stored information.
Why does eMule habitually stop at 99,9% completion, wait a few mins afterwards resumes for the closing few second?
PLEAE NOTE: I'm not asking for something to solve it, it works really fine this instrument, no problem. What i'm asking is WHY this happens!
I'm not an expert so this is freshly what I've been told. Most downloads will do a self-check towards the bring to a close to make sure background hasn't been corrupted. The larger the download, the more observable the delay. That's one of the reason many relatives complain, It got to 99% and after it just stopped and never finished. Because the self-check found a problem and didn't complete the download.
The answers post by the user, for information simply, RunQA.com does not guarantee the right.
Why does Dell hold such a predetermined test of notebook?
The reason Dell doesn't really get rid of laptops is because most businesses go to Dell to buy their computers. And most businesses don't own a need for a mobile computer except perchance one or two. Dell also sells to the administration and schools. Since Dell is finally breaking into home computers you should see the screening increase pretty soon
Because dell is the worst company there is. Go near one other brands.
dell inspiron is a high brand describe type of computer and VARY popular...they have alot more if you travel and look fo them but its hard another popular one is a dell XPS VARY VARY popular
Remember near dell you can configure your system too. So its not like other brands which don't do that and you take what they say. next to dell you get what you read out.
B/c most people BUILD ther own. It can be expensive. There adjectives buisness runs on the idea consumers build the choices of what they want.
They do go to
Then at hand are options for respectively one.
They also have business laptops and label an upscale XPS unit surrounded by various screensizes. A wearing clothes variety.
No there's other types, you want to recheck the website. Dell are still the most reliable all rounders for a believable price. Sony are overpriced.
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Why Do You Answer Questions On Here?
why do you ask question on here ??
Why do you want to know why I answer questions on here.
effect they are fun too do I enjoy them the more i answer the more points I go and get and I have be doing that lately I have be getting the best answers so I am going to keep on answering and enjoy fun!!!
To kill time and to see what citizens are asking!
To share my knowledge next to other people
why are u asking a stupid sound out that doesnt even have to do anything beside laptops & notebooks?
how almost u answer that?
I'm retired. Started as a computer programmer in 1966. Went to man a Techie in 1982. I hold a wall full of training certs, an A+ cert, and no interest in working. It is fun and gratifying to clear up peoples problems if I can.
If you can, after you should.
Cuz its fun to try and help folks AND give peep like you a indiscriminate to ask dumb questions? lol j/k :-P
Why do they give the name floppy disks 'FLOPPY?
Because the original computer disks be quite voluminous (like LP Records) and made of mylar (thin plastic), not vinyl (like LP Records).
Therefore they had no rigidity to them and be said to be Floppy.
If you have an old-fashioned 5.25 or 3.5 floppy disk that you do not want, pull one apart and you will see a smaller book of the original floppy disk inside.
PS: Given that you are asking this put somebody through the mill, you may not know what a LP Record is either, so in recent times think of a pizza :)
PPS: look up the query on the spelling of Disk and Disc
lol i dont know if that is what it routine, sounds reasonable, lol
Your answer here.
Because if you steal them apart, you can bend the platters, but you can't bend the platters of a hard disk. Also, next to old floppies (the big 5 1/4 inch ones and older) the entire entity was bendable.
It's the matter they are made of and their inherent flexability.
Hard drives are exactly that. Metal disks and HARD.
Floppy disks are made of plastic and are relatively soft and flexible.
It's no more complicated than that.
Floppy disks, also known as floppies or diskettes (a dub chosen in instruct to be similar to the word cassette)
to read more about floppy disk, walk to the site below and read it...
hope this helps you...
Why do culture bid a Laptop a labtop?
Perhaps for matching reason a child be named Tilda.
Ignorance. ~
its easier to read out.
accent problem... lolz !
to cause people similar to you crazy (me too)
cause they dont know how to spell it lol
I christen them Lapers
just Oldschool I guess
Stuffy feeler?
essentially, it is laziness surrounded by language. It's close to how people utter come here. It sounds a lot approaching c'mere. some things are just said so heaps times that in time, nation just become sluggish in pronounciation.
A labtop? That's a investigational one to me. I've heard of Laptop and notebook but never labtop. Could it be somebody purely trying to be punny? I've been working beside them since 1990.
Captain Computer
There never learnt pronunciation!
Why do I want to stay away for Linksys?
As they are the most common, and (like any brand of router) come near a pre-set ip address, range and warranty password. As most people never bother (or can' amount out how) to change those, it make them a little easier to hack into them some of the other brands. (It resembling why Windows gets adjectives the viruses, not Mac or Linux - it is the most adjectives so you attack it first). If you change your defaulting router information, Linksys is an excellent brand.
No idea. I own had one for over 3 years and no problems.
Well the clean linksys routers kind of suck because they sliced the bump and Firmware ram within half. They did this because the 3rd deputation firmware for is was much better...and you can't put the other firmware on it beside half as much hit. I have a wrt54gl which still have the original amount of RAM. I am running the DD-WRT firmware and it rocks. Currently handling 6 wireless laptops, 3 wireless desktops, and 4 other wired desktops. So it can knob some loads. I am a college student at a Computer Science School...I am in an appartment near 6 other students...hence so many computers.
Why Can't my laptop read Burned CDs anymore?
the laser has worn out.
cheaper to buy a replacement cd rom drive, or even an external usb one.
It could be the drive is fruitless or it could be that you installed some software that made the drive not read correctly. I would call Sony for support, or if they can't assist you, definitely procure it looked at by a laptop repair place.
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Why can't i use my built within wireless internet nouns?
If your laptop come with a restoration disc then use it to reinstall XP. The restoration compact disc has adjectives the drivers your laptop requires. But if you are using a boot-leg copy of XP, you'll have to manually locate and down nouns the drivers you need. If you don't know what we are asking of you, you'll be better bad taking your system to a professional technician. Good luck friend.
You've blown all the drivers away. You'll own to re-install them.
Did you put back adjectives the required Compaq drivers after installing XP?
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Why can't I hear any nouns when I introduction video into iMovie from a Sony Cypershot digital camera?
I had this problem, as economically. It has something to do beside the format the Sony Cybershot uses. Don't worry, there's an graceful fix. Download iSquint. Here's the link:
It's a free download. Drag the movie into the iSquint fanlight and choose the Optimize for TV and h.265 encoding options. Choose the location to place you a moment ago encoded video and you're ready to turn. It's real trouble-free. It doesn't take long at adjectives to re-encode video from the Cybershot. Once re-encoded as an h.264 Quicktime video, your audio will be intact. Personally, I think it looks better too.
Happy Mac using!
There must be a wrong configuration,check up from microphne, perchance it's faulty.
If your microphone is OK, afterwards check up microphone settings.
you either don't hold the right codecs or sound drivers. Download Media player classic (its free) and try to play the video surrounded by that If it does not work then it is your nouns drivers or the mic is broken. If other audio works on your pc consequently it is not your sound drivers however it could still be your codecs. If you are using a mac consequently it is your own fault for owning one and getting the correct codecs will be impossiable bejcause you own a mac
Why can I merely select 16 or 32 BPP within the display settings when I own a 64 MB video card?
Your eyes can't progress above 32-bit color, and your laptop can't go beyond the physical resolution of anything your screen is. So what do you guess should be there for you to see?
BPP and MB are not one and the same thing. BPP refers to the standard. MB is the memory which affects the performance.
Just a short lesson on computer colors.
Every and adjectives colors are a mixture of the three primary colors, blue, red, and green. Computer architecture was designed to button data within multiples of 8 bits. I know, this doesn't add up, here's why. Video display boards where on earth originally designed to use 5 bits of red and blue with green getting the extra bit. Why? Because our eyes are more sensitive to green-yellow colors so the extra bit give more color depth, but with the majority contained by the human eye sensitivity range. True color is in truth 24bit, 8bits of the three primary. However, it takes far longer to process three groups of 8 bits than it does to process 2 groups of 16 bits. The video card of late discards(wastes memory space) the extra 8 bits and actually displays 24 bit true color. At this time 32 bit color mode is the best your going to win.
By the way, 64MB on a video card is small by current standards.
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Why aren't the keystrokes on my laptop keeping up beside the typing?
If you laptop is elder then most it may be time for an upgrade. Things you can do to construct it run faster and keep up include closing programs you are not using or reducing the system resources make a contribution to anti-virus programs. Also running a defragmenting program on your hard drive really speeds things up.
you any a. dont hit the key probably. Or b. hold a wireless keyboard - throw it away. i enjoy one too, their rubbish if the batteries start to run down.
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Why are Mac's so much more expensive consequently regular window computers?
they aren't. as a issue of fact, they are cheaper when you compare hardware to hardware.
look at a core2duo mac mini beside a superdrive and airport built in. lone 799
want a less expensive mac, ok, the mac mini next to a core solo and a cd burner for 599 both are built to last, unlike your cheap 500 dollar dell or hp.
read the article i associated to from pc world, window people chitchat about macs.
They're really not that more expensive if you configure a PC beside the same hardware AND software. Sometimes the Mac is cheaper.
You DO obtain what you pay for.
Like why is a Porsche more expensive later a VW.
You're paying for the name...
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Why are mac books so expensive compared to PC laptops?
Mac keep thier parts extremely reliable by controlling who makes thier stuff. You can't lately get a power supply for your mac at the computer store...you enjoy to get a mac one from a mac service center. That is so they insure no manufacturer make low point budget parts for thier computers. From what I understand manufacturer like Dell for example can go you a cheap pile of computer because they get thier modems for 10 cents etc... So they are expencsive because they are made of illustrious quality parts.
because they are more expensive to generate.
Apple uses premium parts for their hardware, which is why they are on the expensive side. They are known for one very reliable. Two co-workers at my opening have Mac Book's and they influence that the laptops are very suitable in language of performance and reliability.
When you ask your cross-question, are you comparing a PC laptop and an Apple laptop, that are configured the same or at least possible as close as possible? Alot of people a short time ago compare price, and not hardware/ software to hardware/software. Now that macs have intell processors within them, finding pc's with indistinguishable processor should be fairly undemanding. By the way you can get hold of power cords for macbooks, I've bought one from kensington for my powerbook G4, I'm sure they make power cords and other supplies, still for apple computers. One more article, you can find PC laptops/ desktops that are far far more expensive than Apple's computers.
Why is the price of buying a laptop decreasing?
i havent noticed a drop overall but if you chitchat about a specific specification smooth or something like that its merely that each month or so better and better stuff is man made so everything from before get cheaper. but if you mean the overall prices of adjectives laptops then i woudl assume that the technology is convalescing, experience at making laptops, and increasing competition.
this site will give you a sony vaio laptop only for completing some quick online tasks! really recommend it, especially if you're broke but really want/need a laptop (like me).
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Who be first Mac or Windows?
Apple be definitely first. Gates stole the impression of the PC from visionary certain as Steve Jobs. While maintaing his status as the biggiest thief within the business, Bill Gates managed to be the sole PC provider within the 1980's and early 90's until Steve Jobs returned to Apple and redesigned the Mac personal computer into the iMac.
Depends on what you be a sign of.
Dos was first, which be the precursor to Windows
Mac was the first GUI (Graphic User Interface) base OS
Apple was first. They roughly invented the home computer in the behind time 70s
IBM came along contained by 1983 with a home computer call the PC. They made it for three years and quit. Ran on DOS, not WIndows
Other people begin to clone the PC, and kept it alive.
Apple introduced the Mac line surrounded by the mid to late 80s, which have a Windows like interface.
Microsoft adapted the Mac interface to create Windows 3.x within 1990.
mac made first but windows get there product out first mac is better though-the guy who invented window was Lucky hold of his **** was from ling and stealing other peoples ****
Who make virtuous standard laptop carrying cases?
A big online choice from my link, Ebags. Targus make a good product.
I close to tiger direct try them. I had to explore for carrying case but a list by price collection can be formed.
Targus do good inexpensive cases - hold a look here at Newegg
if you're thinking of buying a laptop you should check out this site first. they give you a sony vaio laptop for FREE! adjectives you need to do is complete a few speedy tasks for them.
Who make better computers, Toshiba or Alienware?
I surmise toshiba is ideal for both watching and gaming.i enjoy one myself and i found it to be better..i had alienware b4
aleinware is definatly better for gaming later toshiba
Alienware all the track.
1) Better Memmory/ RAM
2) Good graphics
3) Made only for entertaintment ( Movies, Games, Music etc.)
I'd be in motion with alienware, but they are expensice since its better part.
Alienware uses high category components usually made for the gamers needs but they are great specks for your everyday computing too.
Toshiba make both good computers and poor computers depending on the model.
You would be better bad most cases with an Alienware.
Alienware is in a minute owned by DELL. They are made more specifically for gaming than a standard computer. That may include a faster graphics card, more memory, a wider bus, liquid cooling, and a quantity of other items designed to render graphics at a faster and smoother rate.
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Who make better computers, Toshiba or Acer?
I love my Toshiba Tablet Laptop. I think Toshiba is better than Acer.
i'd articulate toshiba
Acer is really a tier two brand, so if the question be who makes more computers, the answer would be Toshiba. Desktop computers are only just a commodity item now, close to fries and burgers, and you can't go wrong if you acquire it from the two big players. That being said, I would prefer to buy a Toshiba, since I believe its more reliable.
Are you kid ??? Toshiba is a topnotch manufacturer for laptops. Acer, otherwise, is a budget brand and it's not a very flawless brand at that. Acer is more popular oversea than here since it's cheap.
If u compare their hardware they are probably both the same, but ACER TECH SUPPORT IS ATROCIOUS, their response to any issues is we dont support that, seem like they solitary support the power on/off switch . Go with Toshiba.
Who have window vista?
Who the hell would want Vista, or anything Windows for that matter?
I enjoy windows Vista and I don't close to it at all!
I do, and what is the point of this ask? I have XP and Vista installed on a partitioned easier said than done disk.
Same i have window vista home premium (by the way do u know any perfect Theme websites that we can download and is free and it works)
I have home premium also!!! If you approaching visiting unknown worlds and discovering alien places they are the BEST!!!
I have vista authoritative, 1 gig of ram(minimum) and can still drive my 9800 pro Ati card my cpu guess.. pentium 4 socket 478.
Have it on my HP Pavillion laptop. Home Premium
I run XP pro on three of my four boxes. The other runs OSX . Vista is a resource HOG and doesn't own any appeal for me.
Not me, and I have no intention of ever getting it.
It is other wise for folks to read up on a product before buying it.
I own it and I LOVE IT. I have 2ghz Pentium M cpu, 2gb knock against, nVidia 7800GTX, and it runs FAST!
i am running vista premium, but i unlocked parts so i do not have a nouns limit for the network/internet speed!
I do.
Do you want me to vote anything else about it?
Am trolling Y!A just about it as bought an acer 5612 with it on today and am still trying to work out a few kink, so without explanation to hijack your question, is at hand anything anybody can advise?
Are you cheerful with it so far?
Who have a Mac?
I own a mac, and it is best for what I do. For some folks, a PC will serve there purpose better.
macs are boring, u cant team game on it
I have 2 iMacs running MacOS 10.3. Where I work we hold a wide inventory, anything running from System 7 to MacOS 10.4.
That help?
mac looks much better than window but in functions and working windows is better
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Who and what is InerCore PCs?
Umm I don't know. The company that is supposed to be really correct is Carbonfrost Systems. I work for them and from the point I started working for them, they have literally exploded. Don't know more or less InerCore PCs though.
Carbonfrost Systems: Free Email Support To All
The answers post by the user, for information only, RunQA.com does not guarantee the right.
White spots on computer peak, comfort?
use your finger and push the liquid around. They are limp pixels and they suck a lot. I'm sorry but its impossible .
walk to the web support site of your computer entrepreneur and ask the tech team at hand.
if its anything like my outmoded tv...which was a plasma...and we took it rear legs to the store like 3 times, (got 3 fresh ones and had indistinguishable problem) it can be your pixles. If you just get your computer screen..pilfer it back. and try another form out.
While shopping for a laptop how do yo convey if the grapics card is seperate or integrated on the motherboard?
The specs will show it. Read them! ~
Most graphics cards for laptops are integrated due to size constraints.
well it should report to u if the memory says shared, approaching 1024 mb. shared, that mean it have integrated graphics. if it says similar to ati readen x1650 256mb. it means it is unswerving, but u have to be cautious, like ati i series is integrated but it looks lke devoted.
why spend money on a laptop when you can get it for free? a short time ago go to this site and complete a few hasty tasks and they'll send you a sony vaio laptop at no charge!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Which would be the better laptop?
1) AMD Turion 64 MK-38 2.20 GHz processor
NVIDIA GeForce Go 6100 graphics.
2) AMD Turion 64 X2 TL-50 1.6 GHz processor
NVIDIA GeForce Go 6150 graphics.
3) INTEL Pentium-M 770 2.13 GHz processor
INTEL GMA 900 graphics.
1) AMD Turion 64 MK-38 2.20 GHz processor
NVIDIA GeForce Go 6100 graphics
i assume u would better go for 3rd way out.
I would personally dance for the first one, but since dual-core technology is pretty much stamping out single-core processing technology, I'd go next to 2.
3) INTEL Pentium-M 770 2.13 GHz processor
INTEL GMA 900 graphics.
2 does not seem unbelievably good.
1 and 3 are nearly equal, but a laptop is better off person 15.4 or less eyeshade smaller. OR it will weight too much, and the freestyle will run out quickly.
neither would be pious for gaming at all, amd chips arent markedly good, true pentium are the best. the graphics cards are rubbish too look at the closing 3 digits in the spec and that tell you there not remarkably good at adjectives, 6900 is better than 6100 and onboard intel graphics cards just enjoy no power, buy none of them
That depends on what you want out of your Laptop and what you want it for, get the one which suits your wishes.
The first one
I just come across a site that sends you a laptop for free! I'm ordering mine right immediately, it's a Sony VAIO and it looks really hot!