Friday, September 17, 2010

Why does the touch wipe on my laptop one and only work near my body parts and not near a pen/pencil or heated spoon?


The touch wipe is sensitive to a lot of things. First of adjectives, it detects certain pressure points and detects body roast which is around 98 degrees. The pen or pencil will shorten the natural life of touch pad and it be not designed to detect it just resembling with PDA's. Software be designed to accept human touch and heat.

Best of Luck!

far too much time on your hands
it have small wires that pick up static from your hands

some pad use body heat
The touch wipe on a laptop works only when in that are multiple points touched at the same time, so that when your finger touches the wipe, you touch sevral of these closley spaced points, and move your finger to different ones. The pencil and heated spoon dont touch enough of these points to convey a signal to the devices driver, which it why they dont work. This is the same technology that touch screen use with a stylus, lone the touch screen individual needs one point to be touched.
My dogs paw works too!!!

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