Friday, September 17, 2010

Why does my laptop shutdown automatically?

When working beside my laptop, it works so well minus problems. But i need to reistall the OS. However, when doing this, the device always shutsdown automatically. Sometimes it brings a wan exclamation mark subsequent to display adapter at the device manager. Othertimes, it lately turns off the blind.

Whats wrong?


Try here for info
Couple Ideas for you. First off is your computer virus free. Many virus will try to restart your computer to keep from fixing them. Next I presume you are running your laptop on outlet not mobile when you are working on it? Finally, Have you tried booting from the O.S. install disc or try reinstalling in Safe Mode?

Hope these thoughts are adjectives to you. Good Luck.
Chech the manual. you may call for to install drivers before / while installing the OS. These should be on disk / cd that come with the laptop.
It may be a problem near your computer. Windows XP and later is set up to restart your computer when in that is an error instead of displaying the blue screen. Go to control panel, click classic prospect on the side, click system, go to the advanced tab, click start-up and rescue and untick the box that says automatically restart. Press okay and you're done. You might entail to click apply as well.

Then if you catch a blue screen write down what it say and do a search.
i installed a program and after i did this my computer kept adage it had recovered from a serious error. if you enjoy recently installed a up to date program uninstall it.
you should check out this site where you can capture a sony vaio laptop for free

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