Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Why wont my notebook sanction blank discs or music Cd's but it plays DVDs and CD-Roms next to glibness?


I'm assuming you are trying to burn a DVD or compact disc disk. First check the following:

click on My Computer

If you have a CDRW or DVDRW later you should be able to burn both DVD or compact disc.

If so, check to make sure that the software application is working suitably or that it burns DVD. A good software to use is DVIX as this is the best route to burn any type of blank CD and DVD.

I use two applications:

1) Cakewalk - honest for Music CD and coverts of late about any audio files to MP3 files.

2) DVIX - To be used merely to burn DVD. (Remember you first must convert downloaded video files into MPEG. DVIX will do that automatically before it burns your video profile into your blank DVD disk.

Good Luck!

The answers post by the user, for information only, RunQA.com does not guarantee the right.

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