Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Windows Vista is taking 10 minutes to start up! Suggestions anyone?

my laptop is a core 2 centrino duo, 2gb run into, 160 hard drive space. I am currently running Windows Vista Business on it. I don't hold alot of things on here. I had this laptop for smaller number than a month. Any suggestions?


My wife opted for Vista and she is contained by the same boat. I hold no idea if within is anything to do about it. I am still trying to convince her to agree to me put XP pro on her laptop.
return the computer and buy a mac!
if it's like that, later DEFINITELY go bak 2 xp
remove everything from startup objects!! after it shud workfine
i have used vista. the piece that has changed is the looks. try buy a macbook. i loathed windows ever since vista come.
There are two primary problems with your computer.

1) You downgraded to Vista. Vista is the biggest crock since Windows Millennium Edition, and the worst resource-hogging creation ever made. Go pay for to XP and you'll never regret it.

2) You're running an Intel chipset. AMD all the process. Clock speeds can't truly be trusted because there's so much more than just your processor's clock speed when it comes to operation. I run a 1.8ghz AMD Duron, and I outperform 3.4ghz Pentium 4's regularly in gaming as very well as 3D rendering. With less RAM and a poorer video card, I might affix. Reason is that AMD's architecture is so much more solid. Intel can crank its clock speed up as high as it like. It doesn't mean anything at adjectives.
You know that Windows Vista is horrible, but you got it anyway. I am HIGHLY RECOMMENDING you to carry a PC with Windows XP subsequent time.

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