Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Will here be a restructure of the Macbook Pro?

Hi adjectives. I know I want to buy a Mac laptop but was told to skulk until the new O/S Leopard comes out and that near that there would probably be a restyle of the Macbook Pro. I saw that on June 5 Apple announced some updates to the Macbook Pro. Does anyone know if anything else will be changing or updated within the near adjectives or do you think I can buy it presently and just upgrade to Leopard?


Hi Sarah,

Your right the Macbook Pro's where on earth just updated to 2.2 and 2.4 Ghz and they are 64-bit adept. The WWDC just go by which is where products could be announced and no different updates regarding the computers be released. Concerning Leopard, from what the reviews on the web show so far it will run smoothly on the untried Macbook Pro. Also remember that the new MBP own Led displays for the 15-inch edition and normal LCD beside option of have a High-Def display for the 17-inch. If you really want to purchase it I would definitely stir for it. I personally did purchase the hot 2.2Ghz 15-inch Glossy MBP.

Hope this helps ;)
why rate the upgrade fee for Leopard - hang around til its included in your appliance

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