Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Why is my brand latest workstation so slow?

I am trying to switch files from my behind the times one to the new one but it is taking ages for it to start up... why?


in that is a bunch of pre programmed crap like aol trial and such travel throught the files in My Computer and click C: and afterwards Program files and delete all the unnesscessary files
adjectives the programs that are trying to startup at once. Go into msconfig and remove all the unnessery files.
your probrobly a myspace user right

or you own people downloading songs and everything

basicly your computer curupted next to files that have virus

thus it starting up so slow

i suggest geek squad

or some computer geek you know to come do it for you
You can click start-----click run-----type msconfig------click startup tabs,next you can uncheck programes that dont need to run at startup.Then click ok to exist..And you also can run visit http://fix-slow-computer.info to download a speedup software.

Good luck!

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