Mobile ATI Radeon X1600
Mobile NVIDIA GeForce Go 8400M-G
Mobile ATI Radeon X700
also, which of these would be the best to return with, or should i look elsewhere for laptop video cards?
Mobile NVIDIA GeForce Go 8400M-G
Only the Mobile NVIDIA GeForce Go 8400M-G from that list is a DirectX 10 card. And undergo in mind that individual Vista has DirectX 10, MS currently hold no plans to backport it into Windows XP because they're trying to force gamers to upgrade to their new OS.
As for which laptop video card is best; I'd enjoy to say none of them. You could spend a fortune on a gaming laptop right presently which will slowly start the slide to obselesence as soon as you take it out of the box. With a desktop you can hold upgrading parts (especially the gfx card) as you need to, but next to a laptop there's nothing you can do beside it until it gets so fruitless you need to chuck it and buy a integral new one because you can't upgrade a laptop (RAM and perchance a bigger hard drive notwithstanding). Gaming on laptops is frankly a horrible idea and an incredibly expensive one.
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